Monday, September 22, 2014

B and i had the amazing opportunity to shoot with the incredible Ashley Rae Jensen. it was seriously a party the whole time. she is the cutest thing, and made us feel so relaxed and so comfortable the whole time. we drove down through little cottonwood canyon to the albion basin and all this magic happened there. we were going for an airy + whimsical feel, i think it was captured perfectly. hello 2014 Christmas card. holla. 

like  shut up, his bow tie? so hot. 

i loved all the bugs, not at the time, but now i'm loooooove. 

the flowers were stunning. c/o Sheer Rose out of Utah Valley

tippy tippy tippyyyyy toes. 

the rock = no tippy toes necessary.

the lighting...gahhhh.

xo// sage d. 

Photo Credit: c/o Ashley Rae Jensen
Flowers: c/o Sheer Rose Design
Dress: Billabong
Brax's Shirt: Express

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Big Ben

ever since brax came home we have talked about hiking ben lomond. neither of us had ever done it before which seems really crazy..and actually a little sad, okay..a lot bit sad. we both have lived in his shadow for our whole lives, and had never hiked it. we were so excited, but we had no idea what we were in for. it was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it was a pretty rough hike. it's 16.4 miles and it is cliiiimb. we left bright and early at 6am, and got back around 1:30. 4ish hours in and 3.5 out. now i can say i've done it. we've don'e it. it was awesome...and was done it good company and that makes it 6 times as fun. 

 this wasn't fun. but the worst part is that i bled all the way through my fav shoes. crappp.

 thanks Fire, Maddog, Brookie Cookie, and Dave boy for the best time.

xo// sage d. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

so long summer

to say i'm happy about waving goodbye to summer would be a lie. i can't the same for Braxton. he's welcoming fall with open arms. i think i'm excited for fall clothes, but not the fall chill. it really is a blessing to live in a place with four seasons and four temperatures. i should learn to appreciate it a little more. count my blessings. i'll work on that.

to celebrate the last little bit of sunshine and warmth we spent a fun night with the in laws. we bbq'd the night away, ate great food, shot bb guns, and projected a movie onto a sheet taped onto the house. partyyyy.

we want babies one day, but for now...we love our nieces and nephews. they are the sweetest little souls, and are doing the perfect job of holding us over until its our turn.

xo// sage d.